
Law Of Intentionality

2nd April 2020

Law of Intentionality

So many questions you can ask yourself right now to gauge your growth. For example: How can I improve? How can I gain wisdom? How can I improve relationships with those around me? What to do for the best in this unprecedented situation?

Each question offers great insight into your progress and growth. However, in order to move forward, we as leaders (and yes everyone is their own leader!) must apply the intention in bridging the gap between plans to grow and true growth.

“If you have dreams, goals, or aspirations, you need to grow to achieve them. But if you’re like I was – and if you are like most people – you have one or more mistaken beliefs that create a gap that keeps you from growing and reaching your potential.” John C Maxwell

Each of us has the opportunity to bridge that gap. But we must make that a goal and follow through. So what are these gaps?

The Assumption Gap

“No one improves by accident.”

Personal growth does not come naturally to us. Leaders must take ownership of their own growth, and take individual steps to figure out a plan for growth.

The Knowledge Gap

“I was hoping that someone had figured [a growth process] out, and I could simply learn from him. Not one person said yes. Nobody in my world had a plan for growing and improving. I didn’t know how to grow and neither did they.”

Decide where you need to grow and intentionally plan how you are going to learn lessons to get there. Being disciplined in your growth process is imperative to help you not get stuck in the lie of “I don’t know how to grow.”

The Mistake Gap

“Growing can be a messy business. It means admitting you don’t have the answers. It requires making mistakes. It can make you look foolish. Most people don’t enjoy that. But that is the price of admission if you want to improve.” 4

Getting over the fear of making mistakes is hard. However, all leaders must overcome that fear if they want to grow. Expect to make mistakes every day. With each mistake, we learn and fail forward. Welcome mistakes as a sign that you are moving in the right direction.

The Expectation Gap

“I don’t know anyone who thinks growth comes quickly and climbing to the top is easy.”

Don’t be surprised when growth gets difficult at times. But with the right mindset, determination, and an action plan, you can succeed despite all odds.

The Inspiration Gap

“When Curt suggested I needed to be intentional about growing, I had thousands of reasons not to do it. I didn’t have the time, the money, the experience, and so on. I had only one reason to do it. I believed I should do it because I hoped it would make a difference.”

John C Maxwell

Intentionality with growth does make a difference. A little bit of growth each day lends to a compounding effect.

Overall, growth can be hard. However, valuing personal growth is a crucial part of being successful and influential. Take the steps to grow today and see your leadership transform over time.

stayathome #heretoserve

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