
How to structure your Resumé

Unfortunately for most of us, we were not taught how to structure a resumé from our school years and if we were how much of that do we actually remember? […]

How to best leverage LinkedIn in your job search

Founded in 2002, LinkedIn was created as a social networking tool for business professionals. Users could look for jobs, host their resumes and ask former employers, colleagues, and mentors to […]

How to cultivate emotional intelligence in your team

Emotions and personalities are ingrained into each and every one of us. It’s impossible to control how things make us feel however, we can control how we react and we […]

Virtual interviewing ‘The New Norm’

As virtual interviews increase globally, it has also shown an increase in competition with more and more remote roles becoming available as businesses are adapting and evolving to changes. So, […]

How to make strategies work for your company! The hidden gems.

Putting strategies in place when building a company is essential, you need a clear vision of who you are, where you want to go, end up, and ultimately what you […]

How to BUILD and RETAIN your team in a VIRTUAL setting Virtual teams and remote work has increased

Virtual teams and remote work has increased rapidly in the last year, it was recorded back in September 2020 that in the height of 2020 lock-downs 60% of the UK […]

10 Amazing PROS for Temporary Work!

There is a lot of negativity around temporary work. Yes, most people if not all would like the opportunity to have a permanent placement, the stability, the routine and knowing […]

20 Journal prompts to help you focus on your career goals

We’ve all heard of journalling, but then there is work journalling – both involve personal introspection, but work journa;ling is a tool allowing you to reflect on your daily performance […]

In-person vs. virtual interviews

As the pandemic seems as though it will get under control by 2021, I started thinking about the interviewing processes and how much they have changed (amongst many other things) […]

GOALS and the importance of them

Why do we set goals? What is the importance of them? Goals are like water to us, we can’t survive without them, besides we set goals continuously without even realising […]

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