
How to Implement an Effective Recruitment Strategy

Before we start, let’s first be clear on what a recruitment strategy actually is. A recruitment strategy is a plan of action for an organisation that is looking to recruit […]

The Importance of Ethical Leadership

Ethical leadership has major benefits for both the short-term and long term success of the company. This creates a positive work culture, brand image and the emotional well being of […]

How do I check my bias during interviews?

Interview bias is an unconscious and conscious judgement an interviewer can make on first impressions. It clouds the evaluation of a candidate, whether that be negative or positive, and will […]

Why do you need Citrus Connect as your recruitment agency?

The biggest questions we get asked are; why use an agency, what is a recruitment agency and why do we exist? In simple terms, recruitment agencies work as a dating […]

How to Retain Top Talent

Retaining top talent is crucial to business success. Without retention, you will be consistently recruiting and remain exactly where you started whilst spending plenty of time and resources you could […]

What skills to look for in Candidates

What do you look out for when searching for the right candidate to join your team? On a resume, there are a variety of sections – skills, experience, personal summaries, […]

Building teamwork in a hybrid work environment

As the restrictions are easing across the UK, one solution being offered to employees is the flexibility of a hybrid work environment. This means that some tasks will be followed […]

Why you STILL need a recruitment agency in 2021 and how Citrus Connect can help you

No doubt with the increase of virtual interviews and remote work over the last year, some are starting to question the real need for recruitment agencies. Well, with regards to […]

How to structure your Resumé

Unfortunately for most of us, we were not taught how to structure a resumé from our school years and if we were how much of that do we actually remember? […]

How to best leverage LinkedIn in your job search

Founded in 2002, LinkedIn was created as a social networking tool for business professionals. Users could look for jobs, host their resumes and ask former employers, colleagues, and mentors to […]

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