
PART 2 – Make yourself more valuable in the marketplace using lean business skills

Part 2 of our mini-series on youtube. Don’t forget to sign up to our 8 day online course start Monday 8 June 2020! Click here to sign up

PART 1 – Make yourself more valuable in the marketplace using lean business skills

Part 1 of our mini-series on youtube. Don’t forget to sign up to our 8 day online course start Monday 8 June 2020! Click here to sign up

The Economic Shift – and how you can help your company win!

What we are seeing on the planet is a huge economic change-over taking place, we’re seeing a collective purging, shifting, and a clearing process. Most people are aware on an […]

Are you an employee-preneur?

Change is the new normal, jobs are not secure. You may have been subject to layoffs or reorganisations where you are now doing the work of three people…or simply don’t […]

Does your business have a personality?

Culture is the character and personality of your organisation. It’s what makes your business unique, and calculated as the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviours, and attitudes. Culture […]

Everyday is Sunday: The Importance of Maintaining Routines, Proper Sleep Patterns and Organisation

“Three Weeks of Groundhog Day” is a term I’ve been hearing a lot regarding the current period of self-isolation and lockdown. For those unfamiliar with the term “Groundhog Day”, it […]

Top 5 Tips for helping your team be productive working from home

Working from home can feel strange, the usual working day might feel as though it has been disrupted, and this can affect an employee’s productivity and standard of work. 1. […]

How you use the skills you do have to successfully home-school?

As schools continue to remain closed throughout the country due to coronavirus, more and more parents are finding themselves with an unexpected job title or teacher. Well, Leena Parmar, our […]

5 mental health challenges of self-isolation and how to overcome them

With the advent of COVID-19 and the implementation of self-isolation, one of the major challenges to be faced is how we take care of our mental health in self-isolation and […]

Best 10 books to up-level your sales skills!

Are you ready to up-level your sales skills? 1. To Sell is Human – Daniel H Pink An incredible book that details how you can effectively and ethically persuade and […]

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